Other apps make it easy to get cash when you’re in a pinch and payday isn’t here just yet, while a few of these can help you keep track of your billing cycle so you don’t get hit with those late fees. These budgeting apps make it easy to do everything from tracking your expenses to budgeting to putting money into savings. One way you can stop stressing out and feel more in control of your money is downloading a personal finance app. After all, trying to keep track of all the money you have coming in, going through the seemingly endless pile of bills, building savings, establishing an emergency fund, paying down debt - it’s all a lot to keep track of. A 2018 survey by Northwestern Mutual found that money was the dominant source of stress for 44% of Americans.Īnd it’s no wonder people are stressed about their personal finances. If you’re stressed out about money, you’re definitely not alone. Paying attention to your finances is obviously important, but sometimes it can feel overwhelming.